Schola Catharina

Vetus Ordo (Tridentine rite 1962)

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Advent (Adventus)

1st Sunday of Advent (Hebdomada Dominica prima Adventus, dominica)
With subtitles:
Ad te levavi (Ps. 24, 1-3), introitus  WMP   RealPlayer 
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Universi (Ps. 24, 3.4), graduale  WMP   RealPlayer 
Ostende nobis (Ps. 84, 8), alleluia  WMP   RealPlayer 
Ad te Domine (Ps. 24, 1-3), offertorium  WMP   RealPlayer 
Dominus dabit (Ps. 84, 13), communio  WMP   RealPlayer 
Playlist with the Songs:  WMP   RealPlayer 
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Second Sunday in Advent (Hebdomada Dominica secunda adventus)
With subtitles:
Populus Sion (Jes. 30, 30), introitus  WMP   RealPlayer 
Ex Sion (Ps. 49, 2.3.5), graduale  WMP   RealPlayer 
Laetatus (Ps 121, 1), alleluia  WMP   RealPlayer 
Deus tu (Ps 84, 7-8), offertorium  WMP   RealPlayer 
Ierusalem (Bar. 5, 5; 4, 36), communio  WMP   RealPlayer 
Playlist with the Songs:  WMP   RealPlayer 
Text: as PDF-page or at as HTML-page

Third Sunday in Advent (Hebdomada Dominica tertia adventus)
With subtitles:
Gaudete (Fil, 4, 4.5), introitus  WMP   RealPlayer 
Qui sedes (Ps. 79, 2.3), graduale  WMP   RealPlayer 
Excita, Domine (Ps. 79, 3), alleluia  WMP   RealPlayer 
Benedixisti Domine (Ps. 84, 2), offertorium  WMP   RealPlayer 
Dicite: Pusilanimes (Jes. 35, 4), communio  WMP   RealPlayer 
Playlist with the Songs:  WMP   RealPlayer 
Text: as PDF-page or at as HTML-page

Fourth Sunday in Advent (Hebdomada Dominica quarta adventus)
With subtitles:
Rorate caeli (Jes. 45, 8), introitus  WMP   RealPlayer 
Prope est Dominus (Ps. 144, 18.21), graduale  WMP   RealPlayer 
Veni, Domine, alleluia  WMP   RealPlayer 
Ave Maria (Lc. 1, 28), offertorium  WMP   RealPlayer 
Ecce Virgo (Jes. 7, 14), communio  WMP   RealPlayer 
Playlist with the Songs:  WMP   RealPlayer 
Text: as PDF-page or at as HTML-page

Christmas (Tempus Nativitatis)

Mass of the Day (In Nativitate Domini, Ad Missam in die)
With subtitles:
Puer natus est (Jes. 9,6), introitus  WMP   RealPlayer 
Viderunt omnes (Ps. 97, 3.4.2), graduale  WMP   RealPlayer 
Dies sanctificatus, alleluia  WMP   RealPlayer 
Tui sunt caeli (Ps. 88, 12.15a), offertorium  WMP   RealPlayer 
Viderunt omnes (Ps. 97, 3), communio  WMP   RealPlayer 
Playlist with the Songs:  WMP   RealPlayer 
Text: as PDF-page or at as HTML-page

Saint Stephen, first martyr. (December the 26th) (S. Stephani, protomartyris)
With subtitles:
Etenim sederunt (Ps. 118, 23.86.23), introitus  WMP   RealPlayer 
Sederunt principes (Ps. 118, 23. 86), graduale  WMP   RealPlayer 
Video caelos apertos (Hand. 7, 55), alleluia  WMP   RealPlayer 
Elegerunt Apostoli Stephanum (Hand. 6, 5; 7, 59), offertorium  WMP   RealPlayer 
Video caelos apertos (Hand. 7, 55.59.60), communio  WMP   RealPlayer 
Playlist with the Songs:  WMP   RealPlayer 
Text: as PDF-page or at as HTML-page

Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus (Sanctissimum Nomem Iesu)
With subtitles:
In nomine Iesu (Ph. 2, 10-11; Ps 8,2), introitus  WMP   RealPlayer 
Salvos fac nos (Ps. 105, 47; Is 63.16), graduale  WMP   RealPlayer 
Laudem Domini (Ps. 144, 21), alleluia  WMP   RealPlayer 
Confitebor tibi, Domine (Ps. 85, 12 en 5), offertorium  WMP   RealPlayer 
Omnes gentes, quascumque (Ps. 85, 9-10), communio  WMP   RealPlayer 
Playlist with the Songs:  WMP   RealPlayer 
Text: as PDF-page or at as HTML-page

Epiphany of the Lord(January the 6th) (In Epiphania Domini)
With subtitles:
Ecce advenit Dominator (Mal. 3,1), introitus  WMP   RealPlayer 
Omnes de Saba venient (Jes. 60, 6.1), graduale  WMP   RealPlayer 
Vidimus stellam eius (Mt. 2, 2), alleluia  WMP   RealPlayer 
Reges Tharsis (Ps. 71, 10. 11), offertorium  WMP   RealPlayer 
Vidimus stellam (Mt. 2, 2), communio  WMP   RealPlayer 
Playlist with the Songs:  WMP   RealPlayer 
Text: as PDF-page or at as HTML-page

Baptism of the Lord (January the 13th) (In Baptisme Domini)
With subtitles:
Ecce advenit Dominator (Mal. 3,1), introitus  WMP   RealPlayer 
Omnes de Saba venient (Jes. 60, 6.1), graduale  WMP   RealPlayer 
Vidimus stellam eius (Mt. 2, 2), alleluia  WMP   RealPlayer 
Reges Tharsis (Ps. 71, 10. 11), offertorium  WMP   RealPlayer 
Vidimus stellam (Mt. 2, 2), communio  WMP   RealPlayer 
Playlist with the Songs:  WMP   RealPlayer 
Text: as PDF-page or at as HTML-page

Second Sunday after Epiphany (Dominica II. post Epiphaniam)
With subtitles:
Omnis terra (Ps. 65. 4), introitus  WMP   RealPlayer 
Misit Dominus (Ps. 106, 20.21), graduale  WMP   RealPlayer 
Laudate Deum (Ps. 148, 2), alleluia  WMP   RealPlayer 
Iubilate Deo universa terra (Ps. 65, 1.2.16), offertorium  WMP   RealPlayer 
Dicit Dominus: Implete hydrias (Joh. 2, 7-11), communio  WMP   RealPlayer 
Playlist with the Songs:  WMP   RealPlayer 
Text: as PDF-page or at as HTML-page

Third Sunday after Epiphany (Dominica III. post Epiphaniam)
With subtitles:
Adorate Deum (Ps. 96, 7-8), introitus  WMP   RealPlayer 
Timebunt gentes (Ps. 101, 16.17), graduale  WMP   RealPlayer 
Dominus regnavit, exsultet (Ps. 96, 1), alleluia  WMP   RealPlayer 
Dextera Domini (Ps. 117, 16.17), offertorium  WMP   RealPlayer 
Communio: Mirabantur: Not available--
Playlist with the Songs:  WMP   RealPlayer 
Text: as PDF-page or at as HTML-page

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